
EDAM conducts qualitative and quantitative research, structured in accordance with the demands and needs of different organizations.

  • ASAGEM (Aile Sosyal Araştırmalar Genel Müdürlüğü) [General Directorate of Family and Social Researches]
    Medya Profesyonellerinin ve Medyanın Aile Algısı ve Aile Değerleri (Perceptions of Family and Family Values among Media Professional and Media), 2007.
  • ASAGEM (Aile Sosyal Araştırmalar Genel Müdürlüğü) [General Directorate of Family and Social Researches]
    Çocuklara Yönelik Programlar ve Bu Programlarda Yayımlanan Reklamların İçerik Analizi  [Children’s Programs and the Content Analysis of Advertisements Broadcast in These Programs], 2008.
  • DPT (Başbakanlık Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı Müsteşarlığı) [Prime Ministry Undersecretariat for State Planning Organization]
    YOSİP (Yüksek Öğretim Sistemi ile İş Piyasası Arasındaki Uyum Düzeyinin Analizi ve Arz Talep Projeksiyonları) [YOSİP – Analysis of the Level of Concordance between Higher Education System and Labour Market and Projections of Supply and Demand], 2009.
  • İLKE Association – Gönül Kuşağı Association
    Türkiye’de Sosyal Yardım: Kurumlar, Politikalar ve Yeni İhtiyaçlar [Social Relief in Turkey: Institutions, Policies and New Needs], 2010.
  • İLKE Association – Association for Economic Enterprise and Work Ethics
    İŞ’te Ahlak: Türkiye’de İş Ahlakı Alanı, Mevcut Durum ve Öneriler [Work Ethics: The Field of Work Ethics in Turkey, Current Situation and Suggestions], 2010.
  • İLKE Association – Association for Informal Education and Culture
    Taşı Gediğine Koymak: Yaygın Din Eğitimi Alanında İhtiyaçlar ve Gelecek Yönelimleri [Making a Point: Needs and Future Orientations in the Field of Informal Religious Education], 2010.
  • TÜRÇEK (Türbeler, Çeşmeler, Taşınır, Taşınmaz Kültür Varlıklarını Koruma ve Yaşatma Derneği) [Association for the Protection and Sustenance of Shrines, Historic Fountains, Movable and Immovable Cultural Assets]
    Türbe Ziyaretçilerinin Profili, Beklentileri ve Bu Beklentilerin Karşılanma Düzeyi [The Profile and Expectations of Shrine Visitors and the Level of Satisfaction of Their Expectations], 2012.

Academic Journals

Turkish Journal of Business Ethics is an international scientific journal for the publication of research and studies covering all aspects of business ethics and related issues. The journal’s goal is to aid and facilitate both international and interdisciplinary scientific communication, to strengthen the links between scientific research and management policy in Turkey, and to stimulate and enhance the quality of debate. Representing an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of recent data and expert opinions, it reflects the importance of a comprehensive approach to the business ethics in Turkey.

Click to visit TJBE web site.

Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addictions is an international scientific journal for the publication of research and studies covering all aspects of addiction and related disorders. Representing an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of recent data and expert opinions, it reflects the importance of a comprehensive approach for resolving the problems of substance abuse and addiction in Turkey. Addicta is the official peer-reviewed, international journal of the Turkish Green Crescent Society.

Click to visit Addicta web site.

The Middle East Journal of Refugee Studies (MEJRS) is the official open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed, international journal of The International Refugee Rights Association. MEJRS is a scientific journal for the publication of research and studies covering all aspects of refugees and related issues.

Click to visit MEJRS web site.

Sanitas Magisterium is an open access, on-line journal that aims to publish complete and reliable information on the discoveries and current developments in the fields of Health Education and Administration. This journal publishes research manuscripts in the field of education and administration.

Talim: Journal of Education in Muslim Societies and Communities is a peer-reviewed academic journal.

Talim, with a focus on religious education in Muslim societies and communities, publishes theoretical and applied studies that address this issue from a disciplinary or interdisciplinary point of view.

Click to visit Talim web site.

Journal of Civil Society.

Kadın Çalışmaları Dergisi.

Human Rights Review. 

İçerik Dergisi. 

Journal of Values Education (DED).